Monday, December 28, 2009


This is the upstairs bathroom. New plumbing of course. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

What was once the living room area. Now mostly the staging area for all the work going on in the other rooms.

Notice the bathroom sink next to the wall?!!
Emma's room, which is actually purple, not light blue.

We have been working hard on the house everyday. Well, not Christmas. Christmas we watched movies in the basement and opened presents around the palm tree that doubled as our Christmas tree this year:) Every OTHER day we have worked so hard! I'm really proud of the kids, they have pitched in whole heartedly to get it done. The end is in sight:) Carpet in the upstairs bedrooms tomorrow, yippee!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Before" Pictures

Okay, here are a few of the "before" pictures. The space isn't pretty, but it has potential! I haven't put pictures in of the best part which is the back acreage. I will add pictures of that next time, but its not changing anytime soon. The house will keep us busy for the rest of the winter.
I will update in a couple of days with the work we are doing now.

Front living room. I am standing at the front door.

Kitchen. Basement. It's a walkout. The door is there to the right. The wallpaper you see is a lovely stripe with a howling wolves border.
Master bedroom. Big enough for the bed, which is all we really need I guess!

Main floor bath. What the pictures don't really show is the ick factor. Dirt and mildew. ICK!
Emma's room

The boys room. This is actually 15 feet by 9. It just wasn't a great place to take a picture.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Almost five weeks past our scheduled closing. We Finally have a house!
This is the only picture I have right now. But I will be taking lots of before pictures today. I think it will turn out to be a great little place for us.
There are almost 4 acres, with lots of room for the dogs and kids:) The kids are already talking about what animals they want to get, and I'm dreaming of my garden!
Stay tuned for lots of before and after pictures!