Sunday, June 12, 2011


Yes I freely admit that I failed at blogging in 2011. Totally, epically failed. If there is an excuse it's just been that I've been really, really busy and the result of that is that I have a tendency to scramble from one event to the next. Since I blogged late in January:

Caleb left home and moved back to KC to attend Johnson County Community College to finish out his high school career. He split his time between his two fabulous Grandmothers who were amazing enough to let a 17 year old move in with them for a time!

Emma turned 16. I know, really that deserves a blog all on its own about what a fantastic daughter and blessing she is to my life. And she is. I think she's pretty fantastic.

Randy and I celebrated our 21 anniversary. Yikes.

Caleb graduated from High School and turned 18. (if none of the above had succeeded yet in making me feel REALLY old this did it.

I started attending a fantastic women's Bible study at church on Monday mornings. 66 Love Letters by Larry Crabb. Check it out it is amazing!! The ladies in the study are pretty cool too, so that helps!

We stood in line for a total of 3 hours for the Food Networks Great Food Truck Race and got nothing to eat. The picture above was taken that day. Obviously very early in the waiting. They were much crankier later.

I planted a ginormous garden.

The deer and birds ate about half of that ginormous garden.

I started selling real estate on my own here in Manhattan. Which accounts for some of the busyness.

Honestly its all I can do to just get up and get out the door some days. I know, you are wondering what has changed to enable me time to do this wonderful and informative post, and I have to say absolutely nothing. I'm sitting at an Open House on one of my listings (at which no one has shown) and supposed to be putting the finishing touches on a conference I'm speaking at next weekend, procrastinating. something I seem to do pretty darned well.


Gail said...

Fun blog post! I, also, am sitting at an open house--no one has shown up here, either! Bummer! Curious to know what conference you're speaking at and what you're speaking on...

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us! You do sound busy, which is usually a good thing. Wishing you a wonderful summer!

Dianna said...

Gail I am heading to Canada this weekend to speak at a womens retreat. The theme is Do you know who I am? Finding intimacy in a impersonal world.
Angie, I hope things are going well for you! It's been so long since we have talked!

Lisa @ Life is Crazy Beautiful said...

Welcome back to blogland busy lady! I wondered why people kept talking about food trucks (I just didn't get it). So, you have educated me with your post. Don't you feel successful? Hope your conference goes great!

Candice said...

Those are NOT your kids in the picture. No way! Glad you're doing great in the Little Apple!;)