I have an additional copy of the book "7" an experimental mutiny against excess, which I would love to give away. If you would like to enter to win, add a comment here or under the book review post with your name and email address. We will pick a winner at random January 10th!
Enter me! I'm a bit anxious about what could be challenged in me, but these are topics I enjoy thinking about.
P.S. I still want to get together and chat over coffee (or a crying baby) about teaching, licensing, and whatever else...
I know that reading this book will be very disruptive, and I know that is what I need at this stage of my life. God has been nudging me from several directions and I just need to get up and get moving! I'd love to receive the book!
Enter me, please. I am always looking for a good read.
At the retreat Jen was telling me about writing this book and the affect it had on her family, especially her children. I also found Jen to be a realistic, dynamic woman who does not take the Bible as something to read, however, as something to live. Stepping outside of our comfort zone into something bigger, Christ Life.
I would love to read this book.
I can't wait to read this book. Although, I may regret it :) Thanks for sharing your finds with us. Love you!!
Always looking for ways to apply being in the world yet not of it. It clings to us a little at a time and before you know it, we are weighted down again! Kinda like eating at a yummy restaurant and leaving realizing that you reek of cigarette smoke! Ugh! Win or not.... we will be reading!
I cannot wait for this book to come out! Enter me in the drawing ok?
Enter me! I would love to read this!
I enjoyed meeting Jen at the conference and I am looking forward reading about her experiences in this book. So please enter me. Sharon
Although I know I will be challenged, I would like to read this book and prayerfully consider what God wants to show me about me!
Okay. I like my stuff, and I'm afraid I'll get convicted about something I want to keep! However, if I need to read it, I'll give God the option to let my name get drawn :-). Honestly, the less stress part actually appeals to me!
Thanks for all the comments! The publisher actually sent me TWO copies. So I am happily sending one to Meri and Jen Decker.
Much love to all of you. Thanks for checking in with me, even if it was actually for Jen Hatmaker. ;)
I'd love to win!!! So enjoy her writing and am challenged by her heart...Gail
Oops--too late! Just saw this.
I sent you my mailing address via email...did you get it? Can't wait for my copy of the book!
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