Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NINE Towels. Really?

Sorry, that was unintentionally a long break from blogging. Crazy how life gets in the way sometimes and days slip quietly (or loudly depending on your circumstances) by. And just FYI one of these wonderful men in my life is the 14 year old I mention later. Just sayin.

I’ve been very introspective lately. As some of you know, I quit selling Real Estate. Totally long and involved story that if you are really interested in you can email me, or better yet call! Right now I am trusting God to do what He knows is best in my life. For the most part being home is good. I am looking for a job, but one that fits my families schedule and needs.

So in my introspection I have decided to participate in Lent this year. This is not something I have ever done before.  To be honest I only noticed it because I’d hear about Fat Tuesday and see my Catholic friends walking around with ashes on their foreheads. This year though God pointed it out early, and nudged me towards giving something up to remind me of Christ’s sacrifice. The nail in the coffin so to speak was when a friend emailed me on Monday and mentioned for the first time she was feeling the nudge to participate too. 

I know the goal isn’t to give up something that EQUALS the sacrifice of Christ that just isn’t humanly possible. I have fasted before so I know I could give up something so that when I wanted that thing I could reflect on Jesus sacrifice. But my heart was drawn to finding something that was more about my relationship with Jesus. So I gave up daytime TV. Now don’t go jumping to conclusions about what my daytime TV habits were. I’m terrified of what you are thinking so notice I’m scrambling to make sure you understand. I tend to turn the TV on in the morning after I have made lunches for everyone. The bus comes at 6:50 am and it passes the house to turn around at the end of the road and come back to pick the kids up. When I sit to watch for the bus, I turn the morning news on, and mostly it stays on after that if I am home. Good Morning America, Food Network, HGTV, etc. I like to have the noise on and periodically I will hear or see something interesting and sit to watch for a while. There have been days since I quit going to an office that I get sucked into whatever happens to be on and I tune back into my day only after a half an hour or more has slipped by.

Every so often I have to sit my kids down and reestablish rules and boundaries that have slipped around the house. I did this Sunday night after having found NINE towels in a certain 14 year olds room that didn’t make it down to the laundry room like they were supposed to. NINE!! Seriously…………………… I feel like that is what God is doing for me. He is reestablishing those boundaries for our relationship that I have let slide. So I have committed to keep the TV off during the day. Instead of being unintentionally sucked into the world, I want to be sucked into His word while time slips by. The result of the silence so far seems to emphasize the fact that I was unintentionally drowning God out.

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